Yi Nao

From Wiki China org cn
Revision as of 04:39, 7 November 2013 by imported>Ciic
Doctor-patient conflicts have been on the rise in China in recent years. [File photo]

Yi Nao (医闹), literally hospital disturbance, refers to an organized disturbance of hospitals or medical staff in some parts of China, usually to obtain compensation for actual or perceived medical malpractice.

Yi Nao is usually perpetrated by organized criminal groups contacted by patients or their families, although Yi Nao gangs may also solicit activity. Yi Nao has been increasing in recent years. The groups threaten and assault hospital personnel, damage facilities and equipment, and prevent the normal activities of the hospital.

Tu Jianshe, deputy head of the Office of Mediation of Medical Disputes in Pudong New Area, was quoted in the Xinmin Evening News as saying that "we cannot conflate ordinary medical rows with those incited by Yi Nao. "Medical altercations need to be legally addressed, but blackmail attempts are to be cracked hard down upon," he said.

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