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On September 23, 1998, the United Nations Security Council passed Resolution 1199 to address the Kosovo situation, calling on the involved parties to immediately cease fire and end the conflicts through negotiation. The resolution stated that "further action and additional measures" would be taken, if necessary, to restore peace and stability in the region.

The resolution required authorities in the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and the Kosovo Albanian leadership to enter immediately into a meaningful dialogue and set a clear timetable to negotiate a solution to end the crisis. It also demanded the security forces of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia to cease all action affecting the civilian population and enable effective and continuous international monitoring in Kosovo by the European Community Monitoring Mission. The resolution passed 14-0, with China abstaining from the vote.

Ambassador Qin Huasun, China's permanent representative to the UN, pointed out that the Kosovo question was an internal affair of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia and should and could only be resolved by the involved parties.

Noting the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia's efforts to settle the Kosovo problem through unconditional dialogue, Qin said that the situation in the Kosovo region was generally stable and that China did not view it as a threat to international peace and security, as there were no instances of large-scale armed conflicts. Moreover, the government of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia had adopted a series of active measures to encourage refugees to return home and provided accessibility to humanitarian aid. He expressed hope that the international community would view the situation practically and objectively consider their efforts.